Liquorice Catherine WheelsAs lovers of nostalgic sweets we have a bit of a soft spot for liquorice, and as it turns out a lot of our customers do too! Of all the sweets we sell it’s our liquorice products that always move off the shelves the fastest, and so we thought it might be nice to celebrate the best of British liquorice!

Whatever it is about liquorice that people love so much, we always have plenty of the best British liquorice sweets stocked up and ready to sell. Whether you come into the Masham sweet shop or buy from us online, we want our customers to end up only with their favourites and to get the most enjoyment from their nostalgic treats.

Here’s some of the most popular liquorice products that we sell at Bah Humbugs to stimulate your sweet tooth:


Pontefract Cakes

Also known as Pomfret and Pomfrey cakes, these hard little liquorice discs have been a staple in any sweet lovers diet for decades and is easily one of our most popular products. It makes sense when you think about it; like many of the best British sweets Pontefract cakes come from Yorkshire which is where our shop is based!

We’ve lost count of how many Pontefract cakes we’ve sold; it’s probably somewhere in the millions at this point! It’s not hard to see why either; they’re notoriously moreish and there’s no such thing as eating just one.


Bassetts Catherine Wheels

When you hear the term ‘Catherine Wheel’ it’s usually fireworks that come to mind, but not always. Bassetts (responsible for the ubiquitous Liquorice Allsorts), have created a new kind of Catherine Wheel, and this time it’s one that you can eat!

Catherine Wheels are long laces of liquorice that have been wrapped around a brightly coloured jelly called a Spog for a great combination of sweetness and the tarter liquorice flavour. It’s another one of our best sellers and you can eat it however you like too, either by unravelling it and saving the jelly button for last or by scoffing it all in one go, it’s up to you!


Dutch Liquorices

We stock all kinds of Dutch Treats liquorice products so it didn’t seem fair to choose just one! If you thought we Brits were nuts on liquorice we’ve got nothing compared to the Dutch; their love of liquorice (or ‘drop’ as they call it) is nothing short of legendary!

Highlights from Dutch Treats include Salty Liquorice, Liquorice Chalk, Fruit Duos and even Liquorice blended with honey. You can check out our full range in our online shop, and if we don’t stock your favourite then all you have to do is get in touch and we’ll see if we can get it in for you.

Liquorice has always been a best-seller at Bah Humbugs, but what is it about liquorice that gets your mouth watering? Share your thoughts with us, and make sure that you have your favourite liquorice treat today!

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